One or more of your custom selections was invalid. Please check them over before proceeding.
Discord's current "dark" theme is more of a gray tone. The main focus of BetterDark is to darken the app to make it more consistent with other applications' dark themes. (But it also works in light mode... if you're into that I guess.)
It was important for me to give you an outlet to make your Discord experience your own. Customize your interface a bit of pizzazz by adding a custom background, adding an accent, and popping in a splash of color.
By default, Discord also lacks basic animations that just make sense. Hovering over channels and collapsing chat categories has never looked smoother. More animations are planned.
To use a solid color, make both top and bottom colors the same.
At least one of your background colors has an alpha value of 100%. Your image will not be visible!
It is recommended to leave these options at their default settings. This will fill the screen and center the image. If your image is cutting off or you want to focus a different part of the image, use the sliders below to change it to your liking.
@import url("");
/*## _____ __ __ ##*/
/*## / ___// /_____ ____ / / ##*/
/*## \__ \/ __/ __ \/ __ \/ / ##*/
/*## ___/ / /_/ /_/ / /_/ /_/ ##*/
/*## /____/\__/\____/ .___(_) ##*/
/*## /_/ ##*/
/*## ##*/
/*## The following code is continually a work in progress ##*/
/*## and likely will not work as intended if tampered with. ##*/
/*## ##*/
/*## (you can always redownload this file from ##*/
/*## if you mess this one up.) ##*/
/*## ##*/
/*## ##*/
/*## This theme fetches the most recent update that I've sent ##*/
/*## to my file server. If you wish to use the theme locally, ##*/
/*## visit "" ##*/
/*## and do "CTRL+S" ("CMD+S" on MacOS). Save this file to ##*/
/*## your themes folder with the file extension ".theme.css" ##*/
/*## or the theme will not appear in your themes in Discord. ##*/
/*## ##*/
/*## Please note that doing this will make your file outdated ##*/
/*## when a new update to fix bugs or add features is added. ##*/
/*## ##*/
/*## However, this can be a good solution if you do not have ##*/
/*## a strong internet connection, are experiencing loading ##*/
/*## issues at Discord startup, or prefer to have a locally ##*/
/*## saved file in the event of a network outage. ##*/
/*## ##*/